FAQ Scapula - Handling

  1. Can I retrofit my bicycle with the Spina Scapulae?

    Yes you can, but retro-fit makes it necessary to dismantle the headset. The Spina Scapulae is secured with the lower cone ring.

  2. In my instruction manual it says that the service life of the Scapula is limited in the first instance to 80.000 km or 8 years. On expiration of this limit it is absolutely necessary to ask the manufacturer for information on how to prolong service life. What have I to do when this limit is reached?

    The limitation on service life is made for safety reasons because it puts us in a position to have the estimation of durability not only based on laboratory tests but also on practical experience.
    After the specified period it is not to be expected that the useful life of the Scapula has actually come to an end. However, we would like to have a look at the forks to check for instance the rigidity values. This will also help us to gain more experience from a prolonged time of usage.

  3. Can the “Scapula” be used in races?

    The “Scapula” is designed for use in races. Its outstanding technical features make a valuable contribution to a more effective utilization of the rider performance.

  4. Is use of the “Scapula’s” limited for safety reasons?

    In our tests we could not detect any critical changes in the fork even after 100,000 km in our torture chamber. To be on the safe side, however, we currently limit the forks’ use to 8 years or 80,000 km. Further long term tests should enable us to set the limit higher in the future.