FAQ Scapula - Assembly

  1. What expander does THM recommend for the Scapula SP tuned?

    The “Gum Gum” expander from “tune” has a very low weight and is particularly suitable for assembly.
    Expanders from TA Specialite or Extralite (model Ultrastar) can also be used.

  2. What is the best procedure of shortening the steerer tube?

    • Determine the correct fork tube length (see instruction manual)
    • Cut off the fork tube at right angle using exclusively a sharp hacksaw.
    • Remove all burrs from the cut edge and seal with instant glue as required.
  3. Why does the “Scapula” not need a star-fangled nut in the steerer?

    There is no need for a crude clamping mechanism with the “Scapula”. The upper section of the steerer tube has been fitted with large threads. Simply cut the fork to length and insert the supplied adapter. Headset adjustments are made using an ordinary M6 bolt.